Thursday, August 30, 2012

NY times Article: the high price of loneliness

This article sums up how tricky it is to measure the consequences of loneliness experienced with age. What does it mean to be lonely? "62.5 percent of older adults who reported being lonely in this new study were married" read the article here

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Trend: increasingly more older internet user

The latest estimates by the ONS confirm that the number of older Internet users between 65-74 years is increasing. When I started my studies in 2008 only about about 20percent of the 65plus category (in those days ONS didn't differentiate between 65-74 and 75+) had regularly used the Internet. The group of 75+ years old are with 29% the smallest group of Internet users. Read the ONS Internet access report update here.

Friday, August 10, 2012

the joy of reminiscence

Mid July I had to speak to the local TV & areal business to sort out our television. Bernard came over to check out our leads, sockets and areal connections. I guessed Bernard to be over 60 years old - at some point he mentioned that he had been through 3 marriages. We ended up chatting about my research and I showed him a website which I used as a resource for inspiration for the Teletalker design.
He absolutely loved it. It made his day he said and wrote down the link to the site. He surely will sit down in the evening and look at the visuals of the old TVs... why has made this day, because he repaired them when he was 13 years old or a bit older - the visuals take him back to he youth ... he hasn't seen those television sets in ages
I felt very happy for him and that I accidentally gave him a tool (the websites) to revisit experiences from the past. Being German and living in the UK I noticed how difficult it is to be reminded of things from my German past. If I'd like to create memories of that time I either need to dig out the photo album or I need to be prompted by someone German... although the German and English culture are pretty similar there are not many things here that remind me of my childhood or teenage days.