Monday, November 23, 2009

Sleep changes with aging

A little note aside, but I thought it might be interesting...

Aging is associated with well described changing in sleep patterns.
  • Total sleep time decreases, elderly sleep less
  • It takes longer before falling a sleep
  • Elderly go to bed earlier and they awake earlier
  • Their sleep architecture has changed, the slow wave sleep on EEG is reduced, REM sleep is reduced
  • They’re easier aroused from sleep
  • They sleep fragmented with many arousals
  • Daytime napping
Also the prevalence of many sleep disorders increases with age e.g. Insomnia.

Read abstract from the Sleep clinic in Montreal here

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

SimpliciITy - a simple computer interface for people over 50 years

A new computer system aimed at older generations is being launched to encourage more people to use the internet. The operating system is constructed from Linux.
read article here

View what the software developer
Liam Proven says.

View what Betty Parson (80 years) says about it.