Friday, May 21, 2010

Today is Silver Surfers' day!

Middlesex University collaborated with Age Concern Barnet to offer an 'Internet drop-in clinic.' Read about the event details.

Syed Murad dealt with several queries from people who had questions such as:
* deleting their search history
* how to delete a duplicate facebook account
* effective use of the spam filter for email
* develop an understanding of 15GB and what or how many 'files' that could mean

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Digital Unite

Cannot remember if we already knew about these people. Though they concentrate on training, they clearly have an interest in the broader aspects of take-up etc.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Technology linked to happiness, study claims

There are positive links between access to technology and feelings of well-being, a study claims.

BCS, the Chartered Institute for IT, analysed the results of a survey of 35,000 people around the world.

Access to communication devices was found to be the most valued.

It found that women in developing countries, and people of both sexes with low incomes or poor education, were most influenced emotionally by their access to technology.

It is partly because women tend to have a more central role in family and other social networks, said researcher Paul Flatters of Trajectory Partnership, which conducted the research on behalf of the BCS.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Article: Has the elixir of youth come of age?

Jeremy Laurance writes in the Independent: Scientists claim that by 2012 they will have developed drugs that delay the ageing process

Read full article

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Book reviews of design books

Erik Stolterman has posted some recent book reviews on his blog. Tim Brown’s Change by Design sounds useful in connection with the relation between innovation and design.