Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Pensioner playgrounds

London is to have its first ‘pensioner playground’ according to today’s news.

The first in the UK seems to have been in Manchester, but the idea is credited to Germany [link].

1 comment:

StudyMarie said...

I remember when I was in Hongkong I saw that older people would meet very early in the morning (6am) to do Chi gong in the park.
They didn't need 'play grounds' to keep fit, just some open space.

I wonder if it wouldn't be wiser to omit the word "senior" and just make it into an 'adult play ground' - oh that sounds a bit naughty - better into an "outdoor fitness area" for everybody.

To attract lots of senior I'd suggest offering Chi gong classes or group exercise at suitable times for the over 60s...