Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Introducing the Social Gerontology Group at Uppsala University

I only recently came across the theory of gero-transcendence, which made me aware of Lars Tornstam from Uppsala University. He developed the theory of gero-transcendence as answer to the discredited disengagement theory. Gero-transcendence, in a nutshell, is a shift in meta perspective, from a materialistic and rational view of the world to a more cosmic and transcendent one, normally accompanied by an increase in life satisfaction. Gero-transcencende is a possible natural progression with growing older towards maturation and wisdom. Lars Tornstam and team form the Social Gerontology Group at Uppsala University, which did work within the framework of the national multidisciplinary gerontological program - Elderly in Society - Past, Present and in the Future. Their current and past research output can be found here

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