Tuesday, March 3, 2009

hello Mike,

it's an interesting article you've sent. "Treat facebook as the British Library of your personal relationships" - I have heard something similar being said about LinkedIn - it would be a way to keep people's current contact details and work positions.

I will check out the "modular man". I believe that this experience can even happen in a small company.

In 'marketing week' I've read how the "Heyday" magzine that targeted over 50's was unsuccessful because it couldn't sustain a large subscription base just on age alone... the article describes how it should have been based on interests of people

I will try to scan that article in.

here is a link to another article (but the same topic)

1 comment:

StudyMarie said...

Similar to "heyday" another failure of a website / service that was targetted at "older" only.
